• 365 Dagen
  • 365 Dagen
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365 Days

Sun, 07/14/2019 - 22:25

Actually it's already been a little longer than a year since Don came into my life. It's been a rollercoaster of a year, but that's definitely not been a bad thing. 

If you read my columns regularly, you’ll know that Don has made massive improvements to my life. I still remember the days when I needed to ask help with a lot of things. There were many things I just couldn't do. I had to make a lot of  decisions about my daily routine so that I didn't use up all my energy at once and doing some simple things would cause so much damage to my muscles that I would end up at the physio barely able to move. 

Don has given me a lot of independence and freedom. I no longer have to make so many decisions which means I don't miss out on so many fun things and I have not needed to visit a physio for a whole year! 

Don hasn't only helped inprove my physical state, he's also helped me grow mentally, which means I've become a better person. 

Being a service dog handler raquires a certain set of skills. A year ago, my skill set was very basic. Don has helped me build my confidence, taught me to be more patient and allowed me to improve my communication skills. Not only has this enabled me to work really well with him, it's also helped me improve my relationships with people around me. 

I can no longer imagine what life would be like without Don. I didn’t realise dogs are able to do so much to help a human. He's my helper, my furry caregiver, my ears, my therapist and also a fantastic friend! 

I'm looking forward to many more years with him and of course, I'll continue to share all of our adventures with you. 


Photo: Jessica Hobo

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