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Obituary Henny van den Berg
An icon is no more ...
On Sunday, 11th December 2016 Henny van den Berg, judge and breeder to the core, has died. An enormous loss for the dog world. In the breeds she so dearly loved, like Yorkshire Terrier, Irish Wolfhound and the Belgian Griffons, Henny always bred well built, healthy therefore functional and beautiful dogs. In addition to this, she was a judge of several breeds.
Henny was a pioneer in several areas. With foresight and knowledge of genetics, he played a leading role in the field of outcross. The sole and often misunderstood goal was to give her beloved brees a wider and therefore healthier genetic base. Her only aim – often not understood - for them was to live a longer and healthier life. Because of her work in this field Henny was vilified, threatened and nailed to the pillory by many. She always managed to find it in herself to forgive the people doing this to her. She understood their fear for a different way of thinking, for the deviation of the beaten breeding tracks. This is characteristic for a great mind. With this understanding in mind and with respect for Henny and the breeds in question, her plans will be continued undiminished.
Not only did we lose a creative, humorous, intelligent and rather honest then polite human being, mainly did we lose a very dear friend. She will be missed enormously.
Monique van Boxtel and Trudy Zantingh